Sometimes I make pretty silly mistakes in Japanese. But when I get corrected, I never forget it, so that's good in fact.
A few weeks ago, I studied following sentence:
ちちは いまで しんぶんを のんでいます。
And I thought I knew the correct meaning (As from now, my father is reading the newspaper).
Later on, when talking to a friend, I used the same phrasing:
今で 日本語べんきょうしています。 来週 しけんが ありますから。
(As from now, I am studying Japanese. Because next week I have exams)
And than I got corrected: 今で should be 今, or maybe 今から.
I was confused, so I looked it up in the dictionary, and found in fact 2 meanings:
- いま[今] = now
- いま[居間] = living room
That explains a lot! So the original sentence was: my father is reading the newspaper in the living room.
So, another word I learned, the hard way :)
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